Let us provide a custom quote for you based on your unique needs and goals. A professional consultant can make the best use of your funds by employing experts with the skill and knowledge that you need for only the time you need them for.

Grant Writing
Using a professional grant writer can free up development staff to spend more time on projects that need full-time attention. Additionally, a professional grant writer is skilled at not only writing but locating new opportunities and helping your organization be competitive in a saturated environment.
Board Development & Workshops
An efficient, informed, and engaged Board is essential to the long-term success of your organization. Make sure that everyone involved knows their roles and responsibilities and feels comfortable with fundraising for your organization.
Strategic Planning
A good Strategic Plan is a working tool and guide for the next 3 – 5 years of your organization’s life cycle. It’s important to create a plan that is workable, flexible, accessible, and fits the organization’s culture.
Donor Relations & Major Gift Systems Development
Building systems for success is imperative at any organization and Focus Shift can assist your team with creating a system for donor relations, segmenting donors, and building a plan for major gifts that will maximize staff’s time and energy towards meeting their goals.
Annual Campaign & Fundraising Strategy
A great Development Plan gives your team the strategy and foundation for annual success. Burnout among nonprofit staff is high and setting priorities, and stretch goals with realistic objectives is key.
Content Development & Communications Support
Telling the story of your nonprofit in a clear and concise way is the best thing you can do for your organization. If you need help crafting that story by way of content development, grant narratives, communications, press releases, etc. Focus Shift can help.